Fabric Time...

A couple of weeks ago I seen a Facebook status from Plus Size Designer "Qristyl Fraizer". The post read: 
Fabric Giveaway
"Free Fabric Giveaway
I am doing some spring cleaning and need to giveaway fantastic unused fabric for FREE! Just send $25 for your 3 day FedEx shipping fee and you'll receive a nice assortment of colors and FAB materials from huge scraps to... several yards. This is a perfect gift for a seamstress or design student. Simply email me at qristyl@qristylfrazierdesigns.com with "Free Fabric" in the subject line and I will give you detailed instructions on how to make your shipping payment via PayPal. Hurry, it's first come first serve!"  Seeing that I am an inspiring seamstress I jumped on it. I had to have it I thought. So, I reached out and a week later, I received a big package full of beautiful fabric. I was so happy.. 

My sisters Two - Toned Skirt
I was asked how do you have time to sew? Well I never really have time to sew but, if I have a plan I like to execute it. For example. My sister's birthday is June 3 and knowing that she was having tons of fun for her birthday weekend. I thought it would be nice to make her a skirt. I spend a good week making this mini for her. I know she will love it. When you have a goal to complete something the best thing to do is hit the ground and get it done. I find sewing very relaxing. I tell my children to go and look at television and I get it done. I may not complete it all in one day but I do set a goal. I have uploaded pictures of my "Giveaway" and of my sisters birthday gift packed and all.

My sisters skirt wrapped Lizzies Pearls


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