OMG its been 5 years!
Hello Loves,
My last year was a little rough and totally lost track of time.
I thought this year was my 4th Bloggers Anniversary but I was so wrong special thanks to my mom who had to put time into prospective.
I decided five years ago after much thought to get into blogging.
I decided to launch the blog on her birthday a year after her passing.
While thinking of this blog I knew from following other bloggers I needed a name.
While thinking of this blog I knew from following other bloggers I needed a name.
It came to me prior to my launch and with the blessing of my aunts and uncle I name it after my Grandmother. She was our matriarch.
She got us all on the right path and I had so much respect and admiration for her that it was a great way to honor her.
Lizzies Pearls was launched and while I went through so much with websites, photos and trying to build a following, I just couldn't find my niche.
I went through so much trying to find content to bring in an audience.
I wondered why are my fellow bloggers audience is bigger than mine what am I doing wrong?
I tried to be like them, and follow in their foot steps. If it worked for them why not me.
After much thought and prayer (would like to think my grandmother was guiding me) It came to me it in a dream. I needed to keep things Simple. Blog about what's on my mind, and what's important to me.
So, earlier this year I decided it was time for a change. Rebranding!!
I decided to change my name from Lizzie's Pearls to Simply Shalonda to simplify my life and blog.
I would blog about what I feel. I started, with some self mediation and self love.
I started to embrace my body and embrace me.
Some of it has to do with the fact that I turned 40 last November and I owned it.
I was recently asked; why do you blog? What is the importance of taking photos of yourself and post them getting peoples opinions of you and how you look?
I thought about it and for the first time since I decided to be a blogger, I had an answer.
I blog as this is my diary whether it be fashion or life.
I take pictures to remind me of how beautiful I am.
It reminds me to be the focus of all things in my life.
With this New Year of blogging, I plan to continue to smile, take plenty of photos and support myself.
I am working on some great things with some amazing women.
In this 5th year I would like to say "Thank you" to all of you for reading, following, and supporting me with this. I appreciate your patience and your willingness to stand with me.
It hasn't been easy but it has been worth it.
xoxo Shalonda
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