The Day I lost and found Myself

As a mother and wife, it is hard to remember what life was life before the husband and kids or if you are a single mother or a wife with no children, it is still hard to remember what life was like prior to this life altering Joy of becoming a wife or a mother.

So when I say I was lost. I had lost myself. Trying to be the best mother and wife I could be.
When I realized one day this was not important. I was trying to reach a goal that I never could reach because the goal or the objective was something I placed in my space that was not realistic.
When I realized this was the case. I slowly found myself. I continued to be there for my family but through inspirational daily quotes I was able to build myself up for myself. I was no longer looking for validation or seeking ways to prove my worthiness to the people around me.
As time goes by I realize I never had to do any of this. I just had to be myself and the people around me would either stay or leave. In life we must find our way on our own. We should never seek validation from others who don't even have an answer or have an unrealistic answer to how you are as a person. We must search within ourselves to find what we are looking for.
So, I am no longer lost, because I found true self...
Makes sense to me