Happy 3rd Birthday Lizzies Pearls.

Hello my Loves.
Well today is Lizzies Pearls birthday.  YAY
I am so excited.

So, to be honest the actual day is April 16th but due to that being the day my grandmother celebrated her birthday I was a little emotional. So please forgive my timing.

I had a great plan to host a little garden party at my house in honor of this special day but did not happen. Maybe we can do this next year.

So, much has happened since we first started. I have to admit I had no idea what I was doing starting a blog.
I wanted something my grandmother would be proud of and something I could go back to as a diary.
Well I started with fashion and sewing. Then came the DIY with creating events for my family members and memories to hold on to for a lifetime.

Coming into this new year I decided to focus on all things relating to the great state DELAWARE.
I did get lost as following other bloggers I looked to follow or copy what they were doing.

Until that one night I received a sign and thought. Before my grandmother moved to South Carolina she was woman always doing for others right here in her home state. She fed Pastors and their families. She took in family members. She was so involved with this state I decided it is my turn.
Why not.
So, I stopped worrying about what the bloggers in Georgia, Texas, California, and New York were doing and started focusing on things right here in Delaware.
Nothing negative but positive.
I started a series titled "DID You Know??
This series is to allow others to know what all is going on in Delaware.

I started attending events and putting the word out for events happing right here.

Focusing on the positives here in Delaware has opened my mind to
see things I never noticed before.
Allowed me to meet great people and take my brand to the next level.

What is to come for Lizzies Pearls in the Future?

Well, I hope to event more events, and one day be spokeswoman or the go to blogger for Delaware hosting events.
 I also plan to visit some of you in your home state and do a meet and greet with some of you.
I plan to build more positive relationships here in Delaware.
Last but not least some giveaways.  YAY

With that being said..
I have collaborated with Koffe' Body Treats and for the 3rd Birthday of Lizzies Pearls blog
create a Raffle.  Since I cannot party with all of you I want all of you to party with me.
 We will be sending the lucky winner a gift set of products.
All you have to do is click the Blue Tab at the bottom right of the screen titled
"Happy 3rd Birthday Lizzies Pearls"
This is a random drawing so I will not know who the winner is until the end of the Raffle.

Good luck to you all..
xoxox.. Shalonda

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