Show Them What Your Made Of.......
Well.. let me be very honest with all of you. I have been in a very deep state of mind. I had some soul searching to do.
With that being said I am back.....
So, lets play catch up. In May I joined PSPFit boot camp and it was a great decision. I am considering joining the fall session. I met so many different women, and what a support system. The nutritionist Abra was the best. The meal plans and the coaching from CeCe were just what I needed.
I had to go into a mind set of not loosing weight but, to become a healthier me, in all I lost 9lbs and I gained a new found respect for healthier eating. I tried to incorporate a lot of the meals with my family but only a few worked. Even though I still have my down days, I push through them with positive energy from the days before, and hop right back on track.
Some of you are aware I was in the midst of planning/hosting two parties well as of today... one down and one more to go....

table and I made a chalkboard sign which was created by me on
Zazzle. Even though it was a pool party we still had a lot of fun. I created a candy bar which included giant gumballs, taffy, unicorn lollipops and Strawberry Kiwi juice. The girls loved it all. Since it was a pool party I kept the food pretty simple with kid food.
Hot dogs, Chicken Burger sliders and fries did the trick. For dessert we had an array of pastries and fruit. Every one had fun but, my main concern was my daughter and I got a ton of kisses for it. I repeatedly thanked my
My Mother in Laws retirement party is next month and all I can say is its not as stressful as the birthday party I planned for my daughter. More to come with that.
In the midst of all this planning my husband and I celebrated our 8th wedding anniversary and went to one of our favorites spots in Kent Island, Maryland. We normally would take a selfie but, this year just enjoyed each other. Marriage is not something that just happens, it is something that both people want to work for and work hard for it. We go through our ups and downs and we know our grass is not green, it is something we both try to work hard at. We have known each other since like forever ( okay since 1991 ) and have been through a lot.
One thing I can say is that if you are willing to marry someone make sure you have something to go back to.
Something that makes you fall in love with them over and over. Not every day will be peachy but, when they are not allow the WHY factor to come into play.
Why did you choose that person to spend the rest of your life with you?
Last but not least don't forget to pray for them.
God Bless... Londa
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