Happy 2nd Anniversary ...
So, today is Lizzies Pearls 2nd Anniversary and what a blessing this is.
I started the blog in remembrance of my Grandmother 2 years ago.
I wanted to blog because I thought it would be a great way to showcase my talent and get into the fashion world. I am Super excited for all the new things that are to come for Lizzies Pearls.
I would like to thank all of my family near and far for their on going support and love.
I would also, like to thank my friends and followers. You have given me so much inspiration, to keep doing what works for me.
Lastly, I would like to thank all the other fellow bloggers who have paved the way for people like me to do this.
Accomplishments from 2014
1. Inspired looks, a reader to step out of her box and venture with Denim and Stripes.
2. Featured on Stylish Curves website for Work wear Wednesdays.
3. Featured blogger on Clothe Your Curves
4. Reached over 100 Likes on Facebook
Goals for 2015
1. I would like to do more blogging
2. Venture out more with more topics that you the reader would like to discuss
3. Meet fellow bloggers and learn pointers on how to be successful
4. GIVEWAYS.. Who doesn't love a good giveaway
5. Continue being just ME!!!
As of Today
I plan to join #PSPFit which is something I have been wanting to do for sometime. You all know how you want to do something but your funds are setup a little different than others. This will allow me to join a committee of women for support with staying healthy.
I have committed myself to sewing at least one piece once a month.
So, be on the lookout for that.
When I dare to be Powerful
- to use my strength in the
service of my vision, then it
becomes less and less
important whether I am afraid.
~ Audre Lorde ~
xoxoxox... Thanks for reading..
Follow me on Facebook
Shoes - Payless
Necklace - Payless
Charm Bracelet - Kay
Photos - My Husband
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