21 Or 30 days of Fashion

I have seen where a lot of bloggers are doing a 21 or 30 day Fashion Challenge.
With that being said, I have decided to start one.
I have requested some of my family and friends from Facebook and IG to commit with me on this challenge.
 I am going to do 30 days starting from October 15th ~ November 15th.

Why the challenge ~
     The reason I have committed to do this challenge is to test my inner fashion. Also, it will also give others the opportunity to see what things they have in their closets at home and pair also. Have you ever wanted to pair mustard yellow with turquoise? Its possible.

Why did you select a 30 day over 21 day challenge ~
    The reason is due to over the past couple of weeks I have been unable to reach my inner self due to some recent changes in my life, and this will help. Also it leads up to my birthday which is on November 20.

What are your hopes with the challenge ~
    I hope to inspire women and men on stepping out of their comfort zone and getting in touch with their inner fashion.

What types of fashion will you cover ~
    I plan to cover all types of fashion. Whether colors pallets, prints, fabrics, and styles.

~ Please commit with me on this challenge and if you would like here are the pros of it all.
You will inspire to challenge themselves to overcome all fashion obstacles. As well by
#LPBeautyChallenge on Facebook or IG you will be posted amongst all those who posted on the hashtag and I will select a LP Beauty of the week. I will send out reminders on the upcoming days leading to the 15th.
This is not subject to just women, men do you have fashion you can post it as well. The only thing I ask is to explain your outfit in detail and what was your inspiration.
Good luck to you all.. below is a collage of what the weekly post will look like as well as the feature. 

LP Beauties of the week



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