I have decided to offer Independent Business Owners the opportunity to expand their business by posting a SPOTLIGHT. The SPOTLIGHT will be an interview of questions and answers between myself and the Business Owner. The SPOTLIGHT will shed some light on questions we may have on the topic of choice.
This feature will post for 10 days.
This will also be something I have also, tried or inquired about.
June's SPOTLIGHT is:
I have interviewed Ge'ton Foster who is an Independent Business Owner with Herbalife.
(see the interview below)
Me: Hello Ge'ton thanks so much for accepting our offer to be featured in as a SPOTLIGHT for the blog this month, could you tell the readers a little about yourself?
Ge'ton: Thank you for the honor, I am a 29 year old mother of two girls. My life revolves around my family, motivating others and living a healthy lifestyle.
Me: That is great! What would you like to gain from being in the SPOTLIGHT on the blog?
Ge'ton: I would like the opportunity to encourage people to get into the best shape of their life.
Me: That is great well hopefully with you being featured not only will your family and friends have the opportunity to support you but also the average person like myself will get a little more info on what Herbalife is.
Me: So, Ge'ton could you tell us a little about your Product?
Ge'ton: I’m a
Herbalife Distributor. I reach out to those in the community to do group
workouts as well as develop meal plans to help people achieve their weight
loss, weight gain, or energy goals.
Me: What decision did you make to become an Independent Business Owner? Ge'ton: It was a no brainer for me to start my own business. I have been overweight now for over 11 years. The fact that I have found a program and atmosphere that has helped me get results in a healthy fashion was the platform I always wanted to be able to help others.
Me: Great!! What does your product or your business offer to people?
Ge'ton: My products offer a jump start on an active and healthy lifestyle. Herbalife gives people a chance to gain energy and knowledge on how to be in the best shape of your life. Also to reduce the amount of people that are considered obese or living with illness related to their diet.
Me: Wonderful sounds like you were inspiring a lot of people. What are some of the things you are willing to go into more detail about to ease a customer mind about your business or product?
Ge'ton: Results! I would share my results
that I have achieved I went from being 265 down to 231 from February until now.
I was never an active person. So for me to be able to get the results that I
have with no experience is a blessing. I will also set up tastings of the
product so that people can experience how great the product taste as well as it
controls hunger. I would also give details as s far as what the product
contains. Similarities of other multivitamins compared to Herbalife vitamins.
Me: Let me say this, you look GREAT. I know for me it was an inspiration and the shakes are delicious. You told me to try different things with the little I had and the flavors are endless.. Not to mention they fill you up. Do you have any employees or other people who work with you?
Ge'ton: I have a team that works with me to go out in the community to spread awareness as well, I’m working to add a few more members to the team.
What a really great interview, informative and insightful.